My Carly Rae Jepsen Meet & Greet experience
Hello! Welcome to the first real post of our blog! Most of our posts will be longer than this, but since this was 4 years ago, I don't have very many details for this experience. I thought my first post would be great as a throwback, my first ever meet & greet! This was near the beginning of 2013 when Carly Rae Jepsen was the opening act for Justin Bieber on his tour. Four years ago my dad and I were coming home and we were listening to our radio. The station, i106 had just finished playing her new song Call Me Maybe and was talking about a contest to meet her. I immediately wanted to enter so a few hours later we had got ready to call. This was my first ever radio contest so of course I was excited, but my parents gave me the whole talk about how many people enter these, so don't be disappointed if you don't win. I completely understood and then the contest started. We were all calling and the first time I tried, my phone picked up and I was the winner! I...